Welcome to Binary_SED_Fitting’s documentation!

Fitting stellar SEDs for single and multi-component systems.

GitHub: Binary_SED_Fitting


  • python >= 3.12.2

  • astropy >= 6.0.1

  • matplotlib >= 3.8.4

  • numpy >= 1.26.4

  • pandas >= 2.2.1

  • scipy >= 1.13.0

  • xarray >= 2024.3.0
    • Installation: python3 -m pip install xarray

    • Install optional dependencies for handling I/O: python3 -m pip install "xarray[io]"


  • Add the binary_sed_fitting.py to your working directory.
    • ⚠️ Edit the DIR_MODELS in the binary_sed_fitting.py file according to where your model files are located

  • Download the required models from Google Drive. More information about how to make these model files is given in models_and_tools.

    • Currently supported spectral models:

      • kurucz_synthetic_photometry.nc (Kurucz 2003IAUS..210P.A20C)

      • koester_synthetic_photometry.nc (Koester 2010MmSAI..81..921K)

      • kurucz_uvblue_synthetic_photometry.nc (Hybrid Kurucz_UVBLUE 2005ApJ…626..411R)

    • Isochrones: master_isochrone.csv (Parsec isochrones)

    • WD cooling curves: master_Bergeron_WD.csv (Bergeron models)


⚠️ The software is under active development.

The code has been designed for 3 component SEDs. However, only double component fitting is thoroughly tested.


This code is developed by Vikrant V. Jadhav (Universität Bonn).

If you use the code, please refer to Jadhav et al. (2021), UOCS. IV. Discovery of diverse hot companions to blue stragglers in the old open cluster King 2, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.89 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12036-021-09746-y)

Indices and tables