.. currentmodule:: src.binary_sed_fitting Changlog ======== 3.4.1 ----- Fixed calculations of fractional errors in multi-component Systems. 3.4.0 ----- Added support for single SED fitting. Added support for a hybrid Kurucz_UVBLUE model. UVBLUE (2005ApJ...626..411R) spectra for 850-4700 Angstroms and Kurucz spectra outside the wavelength Refactored the code to create seperate classes to deal with single stars and systems. :class:`Star`, :class:`System` :class:`Model` and :class:`Fitter`. All code moved into ``src.binary_sed_fitting.py`` which works as a module. Added logging. The raw log is saved in ``data\log_.txt``. 3.3.0 ----- The model files were updated and reformatted into ``xarray`` DataArrays. The binary fitting code modified to work with xarrays. All code moved into ``util_functions.py`` which works as a module. Supported models: Kurucz (2003IAUS..210P.A20C), Koester (2010MmSAI..81..921K)