.. Binary_SED_Fitting documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jan 29 14:49:39 2024. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to Binary_SED_Fitting's documentation! ============================================== Fitting stellar SEDs for single and multi-component systems. GitHub: `Binary_SED_Fitting `__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``python`` >= 3.12.2 * ``astropy`` >= 6.0.1 * ``matplotlib`` >= 3.8.4 * ``numpy`` >= 1.26.4 * ``pandas`` >= 2.2.1 * ``scipy`` >= 1.13.0 * ``xarray`` >= 2024.3.0 - Installation: ``python3 -m pip install xarray`` - Install optional dependencies for handling I/O: ``python3 -m pip install "xarray[io]"`` Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add the ``binary_sed_fitting.py`` to your working directory. - ⚠️ Edit the ``DIR_MODELS`` in the ``binary_sed_fitting.py`` file according to where your model files are located - Download the required models from `Google Drive `__. More information about how to make these model files is given in `models_and_tools `__. - Currently supported spectral models: - ``kurucz_synthetic_photometry.nc`` (Kurucz 2003IAUS..210P.A20C) - ``koester_synthetic_photometry.nc`` (Koester 2010MmSAI..81..921K) - ``kurucz_uvblue_synthetic_photometry.nc`` (Hybrid Kurucz_UVBLUE 2005ApJ...626..411R) - Isochrones: ``master_isochrone.csv`` (`Parsec isochrones `__) - WD cooling curves: ``master_Bergeron_WD.csv`` (`Bergeron models `__) Caution ~~~~~~~ ⚠️ The software is under active development. The code has been designed for 3 component SEDs. However, only double component fitting is thoroughly tested. Citation ~~~~~~~~ This code is developed by Vikrant V. Jadhav (Universität Bonn). If you use the code, please refer to Jadhav et al. (2021), *UOCS. IV. Discovery of diverse hot companions to blue stragglers in the old open cluster King 2*, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.89 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12036-021-09746-y) .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Home getting_started modules changlog Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`